
Posts Tagged ‘train’

Running Hills
I don’t normally think of sex while running (I believe the other 23 hours of the day suffice), but today’s run was obviously sponsored by the letter X, as I found myself imagining the hill I was charging up was the clothed curvature of Scarlett Johansson’s best assets. The hills-as-breast visualization proved to be strangely effective motivating technique (next time, I set forth to climb Kim Kardasshian’s rootie-tootie-fresh-‘n-booty). I also found myself pondering whether it is humanly possible to have sex while running if both participants ran in perfect sync and while traveling at the exact same speed. The only additional motion would be pelvic thrusting. If executed correctly, you and your running buddy would look like a choo-choo train. How cool would that be?

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